Becoming a Certified Christian Counselor
Counseling is listening, creating a plan to liberate your clients, and to help them cope with losses, crises, and trauma, or just to find balance in life.
Lastly, again it should always be done under the guidance of the Wonderful Counselor, which means Christian Counseling is about seeking the face of God for healing & wholeness.
Certified Christian Counselor Program
Chavon Anette is excited to be offering the training for people to be able to serve the body
A close friend let Chavon know that she had a dream about her certifying people to become Fire Leadership coaches. She knew it was a message from Chavon, so she reflected for the right time to move.
After over 100 sessions of coaching, Chavon Anette said yes and began to move towards instructing people to become certified coaches.
4- Week Intensive
Weekly Meetings- Video Recordings Available After
Bring Notebook & Pens
Q & A Sessions
Workbooks and/or Assessments
Certificate in the Mail and Sent Via Email
Duration of Certification Process
4 Week Intensive with Weekly Meetings to go over content where student will take notes
Why Get Certified?
Our certified Christian Counselor stand as an accountability system for those who’re in the process of emerging as leaders or advancing as leaders in various realms of influence.
Becoming a Certified Coach does require an invest, but it is worth it. The impact that is made in the life of the individuals you will serve is priceless. Also, as you continue to coach individuals you will be set up for success to make your money back in little time.
Access After Intensive
All the replays from the sessions that take place from the program will remain available and accessible by anyone who has paid and gone through the program.